Mal Gormley



Mal Gormley
Today's full-featured airborne corporate command posts, replete with encrypted satcoms, high-speed data terminals, in-cabin local area network access to corporate intranets, live television reception, personalized audio/visual entertainment and enrichment suites, customized passenger briefings and moving map display systems are a far cry from the merely comfortable business aircraft cabins of yore. Indeed, traveling in such a stimulus-enriched environment is likely to redefine the terrestrial workplace.

Mal Gormley
Ordinarily we report on the what and how of business aviation. With this feature, however, we're taking a look at some of the where and when. The accompanying calendar includes a broad selection of events likely to attract business aircraft passengers. You'll find descriptions and particulars of some of the events, as well as suggestions for things you or your passengers can do at some of the places you're likely to visit.

Edited by David RimmerBy Mal Gormley
Furloughs and hiring freezes already under way before September 11 at major airlines and regionals, as well as at some corporate flight departments, have accelerated. But organizations whose stock-in-trade is matching pilots to empty cockpits say there's reason to hope the downturn won't be as steep or severe as some might fear.