Ask the Editors

The COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting global economic crisis have creating daunting challenges across the aerospace and aviation industries. Companies large and small face myriad questions on how to ride out the storm and position themselves to thrive when better times return.

To help fill that void, we are launching our new “Ask The Editors” feature. Readers can submit questions to our global team of editors. If we don’t have an answer, we’ll reach out to our large networks of experts to provide one.

Here are some of the best questions posed by readers and our answers.

Sep 18, 2020
Ask the Editors: Boeing cannot use the KDC-10 Tanker Remote Vision System because it does not meet Air Force tech specs for the KC-46.
Sep 16, 2020
Ask the Editors: The A220-500 would be great strategic asset for Airbus in its competition with Boeing and the 737 MAX.
Sep 14, 2020
Ask the Editors: The problem with electric taxi motors is the ratio of benefit to cost in commercial operations.
Sep 11, 2020
Ask the Editors: The long time it takes to process tests is one of the biggest hurdles now. IATA hopes a test that meets this and other concerns will be available soon.
Sep 09, 2020
Ask the Editors: Mitsubishi’s inexperience with developing commercial aircraft has led to a series of delays in its regional jet program.
Sep 07, 2020
Ask the Editors: Given current high production rates, it is unlikely there will be a shortage of widebody capacity.
Sep 04, 2020
Ask the Editors: NASA has continued its exploration blueprints by building support among both Democratic and Republican legislators.
Sep 02, 2020
Ask the Editors: Consolidation among major carriers working with regionals will bring long overdue streamlining to the aviation industry.