Ask the Editors

The COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting global economic crisis have creating daunting challenges across the aerospace and aviation industries. Companies large and small face myriad questions on how to ride out the storm and position themselves to thrive when better times return.

To help fill that void, we are launching our new “Ask The Editors” feature. Readers can submit questions to our global team of editors. If we don’t have an answer, we’ll reach out to our large networks of experts to provide one.

Here are some of the best questions posed by readers and our answers.

Jun 02, 2020
Ask the Editors: EASA and the FAA have issued recent guidance to reinforce proper use of biocides.
Jun 01, 2020
Ask the Editors: Various border shutdowns and country-specific quarantine rules are complicating air travel.
May 29, 2020
Ask the Editors: Several new turboprops have been proposed in Asia, and there might be modification programs for existing designs in the U.S. and Europe.
May 28, 2020
What is your opinion regarding the future of the aviation industry in India?
May 27, 2020
Ask the Editors: The U.S. Air Force’s Agility Prime program could be pivotal for commercial eVTOL vehicle developers.
May 26, 2020
Ask the Editors: The global space economy is projected to exceed $1.1 trillion by 2040, but it is unclear how COVID-19 will affect that.
May 25, 2020
Ask the Editors: Embraer’s CEO says the original E175 will remain in production for as long as there are customers.
May 22, 2020
Ask the Editors: Airlines will be in cash-preservation mode as long as they can, so this year and 2021 could be tough for maintenance.