Ask the Editors

The COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting global economic crisis have creating daunting challenges across the aerospace and aviation industries. Companies large and small face myriad questions on how to ride out the storm and position themselves to thrive when better times return.

To help fill that void, we are launching our new “Ask The Editors” feature. Readers can submit questions to our global team of editors. If we don’t have an answer, we’ll reach out to our large networks of experts to provide one.

Here are some of the best questions posed by readers and our answers.

Jun 24, 2020
Ask the Editors: After pandemic-related financial woes, a scrapped Embraer deal and hefty layoffs, Boeing will require years to recover.
Jun 23, 2020
Ask the Editors: Airbus is focusing on extending the A220’s longer routes while Embraer struggles with bundling and pricing for the E2.
Jun 22, 2020
Ask the Editors: Airlines may be concerned about crowding in cabin aisles, but adopting ICAO’s guidelines would be the best practice.
Jun 19, 2020
Ask the Editors: Whatever Bell does, it may have trouble making any serious dent in the AW139’s market lead.
Jun 18, 2020
Ask the Editors: Composite use is growing as a percentage of weight for manufacturers. Repair and recycling knowledge also are improving.
Jun 17, 2020
Ask the Editors: The best way to understand the fate of the SpaceJet is to look to the parent company, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries.
Jun 16, 2020
Ask the Editors: The resumption of airline traffic will drive demand for parts. We are already seeing signs that airlines in China and the U.S. are starting to add flights.
Jun 15, 2020
Ask the Editors: Emirates is highly dependent on the A380, and how fast it returns depends on how quickly the long-haul market rebounds.