ボーイング747-8の生産終了が間近か | End Of Boeing 747-8 Production Line Might Be Near
ボーイング社は、50年に及ぶ747の生産終了を準備しているという報道について否定しているが、2019年に主要サプライヤーに対し、2023年までにデリバリーを完了させる計画が説明されていることをAviation Weekは把握している。
Boeing declines to confirm reports that it is preparing to end the five-decade long production run of the 747, but Aviation Week understands key suppliers were briefed in 2019 on the company’s plans to complete deliveries in 2023.
According to Bloomberg, Boeing’s decision to wind down further attempts to sell the aircraft and sustain the line were hinted at in financial filings earlier this year. These no longer contained standard wording which, in earlier documents, said Boeing would continue to “evaluate the viability” of the 747-8 program.
But Boeing says little has materially changed to indicate the potential closure of the program, other than the gradual reduction of the firm order backlog. According to the company’s latest numbers this officially stands at 16, which at the current production rate of six per year would see the line out to 2023. However, the true tally shrinks to 12 when considering accounting adjustments, and the delivery of the latest -8F freighter, line number 1559, to air freight operator UPS in June.