Dissecting The Widebody Engine Market | ワイドボディ機向けエンジン市場を徹底解剖

Driving MRO demand for much of the decade will be the Trent 700, which is expected to account for $2 billion of maintenance work next year.
Credit: EmadIV (Wikimedia Commons)


Aviation Weekの予想では、2021年に稼働しているワイドボディ機向けエンジンは約12,600基で、20%がGeneral Electric社のCF6-80、18%がGE90、16%がGEnx、11%がRolls-Royce社のトレント700、残りを主にトレントの他モデルやPW4000が占めている。その翌年には、約750基のワイドボディ機向けエンジンが再び運航に供され、一方で370基近くが退役すると予想されている。



昨年のAviation Weekの予想では、ワイドボディ機向けエンジンのMRO市場規模は2020年の170億ドルから、2029年には250億ドルに拡大すると見込んでいた。しかし今では下方修正され、2021年にはわずか139億ドルで、それが2030年に213億ドルになるという予想だ。

また、この10年間のワイドボディ機向けエンジンのメンテナンス需要は2026年にピークを迎え、219億ドル規模になるとAviation Weekは予想している。この時点では、GE90が67億ドルとアフターマーケット需要の多くを占め、トレント700が34億ドル、GEnxが27億ドル、トレントXWBとCF6-80が18億ドルずつを占める。

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Of all engine classes, the widebody market faces the most disruption from the COVID-19 pandemic. Its downturn is expected to last longer than for short- and medium-haul flying and this, combined with huge numbers of aircraft phased out or put into long-term storage has impacted widebody engine values more than any other type.

Of the 12,600 or so widebody engines that Aviation Week expects to be in service in 2021, 20% will be General Electric CF6-80s, 18% will be GE90s, 16% will be GEnx models, 11% will be Rolls-Royce Trent 700s, and rest will be mainly other Trent models and the PW4000. Next year, it is also forecast that about 750 widebody engines will return from storage and almost 370 will be retired.

In 2025, the forecast is for the GEnx to have 19% of the widebody engine market, the GE90 to have 18%, the CF6-80 to have 17%, the Trent XWB to have 12% and the Trent 700 to have 11%. By 2030, the market leader will remain the GEnx, followed by the Trent XWB.

However, in-service numbers of all engine types are much lower than expected before the pandemic, and imply a dramatic impact on the widebody MRO market.

Last year Aviation Week predicted that total annual MRO spend for widebody engines would rise from $17 billion in 2020 to $25 billion in 2029. It now expects the trajectory to go from just $13.9 billion in 2021 to $21.3 billion by 2030.

This decade Aviation Week expects widebody engine maintenance spend to peak in 2026 at $21.9 billion. At that point the GE90 will still dominate the aftermarket, accounting for $6.7 billion of maintenance demand, followed by $3.4 billion for the Trent 700, $2.7 billion for the GEnx and $1.8 billion each for the Trent XWB and CF6-80.