发动机存储需求量增加 | Volume Of Engine Preservation Requests Grows

Credit: StandardAero


As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to keep global fleets grounded, one MRO reports a significant increase in its engine preservation business.

Standard Aero公司副总裁兼CF34 and CFM56 MRO项目总经理David Green表示,今年客户对发动机存储和维护的请求数量比往年更高,甚至可能创下了纪录,特别是对于CFM56-7B、CF34-3和CF34-8系列。

“We are seeing a higher than normal—possibly a record—number of customer requests for engine storage and preservation, particularly for the CFM56-7B and CF34-3 and -8 lines,” says David Green, vice president & general manager for StandardAero.

这些发动机的存储和维护工作由Standard Aero位于加拿大温尼伯的工厂中进行,该工厂是GE公司CFM56-7B发动机的指定运营中心,也是CF34-3/8系列的授权服务提供商。

Preservation work and storage of those engines is carried out by StandardAero at its Winnipeg, Canada, facility, which is a GE Designated Fulfillment Center for the CFM56-7B, and a GE Aviation Authorized Service Provider for the CF34-3 and -8.

Green表示,在未来几年中,Standard Aero认为其发动机防护服需求将持续增加,这也是分析师们所预估的行业复苏的时间表。虽然这家MRO企业尚未增加更多的技术人员,但他们已对一些技术人员的任务进行重新分配,以协助其不断发展的发动机防护业务。

Green says that StandardAero sees sustained demand for its engine preservation services for the next couple of years—the timeline for a reasonable industry recovery estimated by analysts. While the MRO has not added mechanics, it has re-tasked some of its technicians to focus on assistance with its growing engine preservation business.


Engine preservation is predicated on short-term or long-term storage. According to the OEM’s instructions, short-term preservation has a 90-day limit and normally requires about two hours of technician man-hours, says Green. He points out that ensuring that all exposed gears and bearings are oiled and covered is the most critical task.


 “This special emphasis is due to the sensitive nature of the unprotected/uncoated surfaces of gears and bearings, which--being bare steel--can be susceptible to corrosion from humidity,” Green notes. “Engine hardware with protective coatings or exotic metals is less susceptible to corrosion at room temperature, and therefore does not require special preservation while in a controlled shop environment.”

另外,所有发动机开口部分,包括敞开式的可更换单元和集油槽等,都必须新盖好或包覆起来,以防止污染物或外来杂物(FOD)侵入发动机。Green补充到,在Standard Aero的操作规程中,把发动机的开口都盖住始终是一种标准做法。

Green adds that all engine openings, including open line replaceable units and sumps, must be capped or covered for protection from contamination or foreign object debris (FOD) ingestion.  “Covering or capping openings is always a standard practice at StandardAero,” he says.


After 90 days, a visual inspection of any accessible gears, bearings or sumps is undertaken to ensure there is no indication of contamination or corrosion, with re-oiling, if required.


Engines that have gone through an overhaul or certain other major maintenance events at the facility, followed by pass-off testing in the test cell, have qualified for long-term preservation as per the MRO’s standard practices and the engine OEM’s maintenance manuals. This includes the inhibiting of the fuel system, which involves removing fuel to avoid any corrosion risk from water that might be present. The fuel is then replaced with an OEM approved inhibiting oil, using one of three methods—motoring, pressure rig or gravity. Once that is accomplished, the engine can safely remain in long-term storage for up to two years.


If proper preservation procedures are not followed, cautions Green, each engine must be evaluated by GE Aviation for the CF34, or CFM International for the CFM56, to determine the workscope required to return the engine to serviceable condition.

这条消息是Paul Seidenman在Inside MRO 杂志发表的文章。《Inside MRO》杂志研究商用飞机MRO领域的最新趋势和技术。每期月刊都提供了做出关键技术、业务和运营决策所需的信息。此外,订阅者每月还会收到一期《Aviation Week & Space Technology》杂志,该杂志是业内新兴技术分析和见解的主要来源。点击此处查看有关Inside MRO更多消息。