

One of many vulnerabilities exposed by the COVID-19 crisis has been the fragility of globalized supply chains and the ‘just-in-time’ business model.


For while this cuts down inventory costs and promotes efficiency, to function effectively disparate organizations and infrastructure must interact with clockwork precision.


However, the gears may grind more frequently in the future if governments become more accustomed to imposing partial lockdowns and travel bans – so industry will have to adapt.


Solutions may include shorter, more localized supply lines and a return to larger inventories – trends that may occur in aviation, too.


The aircraft maintenance market will then need to find efficiencies in different areas, not least because they will probably find themselves competing for a smaller group of customers after the crisis.


One result of this may be to boost automation in a sector where its adoption has been slow. 

询公司罗兰·贝格(Roland Berger)估计,在未来十年内,机器人在航空结构制造中所完成的工作份额将较目前的30%大约翻一番

Consultancy Roland Berger estimates that within the next decade the share of work performed by robots in aerostructures manufacturing will roughly double from its present level of 30%.

然而,在危机发生之前,罗兰·贝格(Roland Berger)的合伙人霍尔格·利波斯基(Holger LipowskyMRO内部自动化的前景并不乐观,他认为MRO2030年仍将主要依赖于人工劳动。

Before the crisis, however, Roland Berger partner Holger Lipowsky was less optimistic about the prospects for automation within MRO, which he thought would still be majority reliant on touch labor in 2030.


Now, though, MRO providers may have to challenge that prediction if they are to carve a profitable future. For example, one way to address supply chain issues could be to push their capabilities in 3D printing, which at present is used for little more than prototyping and minor cabin parts.


Faster digitization would reap even bigger gains, both to provide better supply chain visibility and because it tends to drive down the scale at which automation makes sense.

这条消息是Alex Derber在Inside MRO 杂志发表的文章。《Inside MRO》杂志研究商用飞机MRO领域的最新趋势和技术。每期月刊都提供了做出关键技术、业务和运营决策所需的信息。此外,订阅者每月还会收到一期《Aviation Week & Space Technology》杂志,该杂志是业内新兴技术分析和见解的主要来源。点击此处查看有关Inside MRO更多消息。