
Airbus’ H225
Airbus’ H225 has enjoyed a renaissance as some customers look to repurpose stored commercial versions.
Credit: Eric Raz/Airbus Helicopter


With the commercial helicopter industry still struggling after the oil and gas price slump, military sales are keeping some of the major rotary-wing OEMs in the black.


The uptick in international defense spending—particularly in Europe—has given even flagging programs a new lease on life and spurred new export opportunities.

其中最大的受益者是空客的超级美洲豹(Super Puma)系列。这架直升机曾经是石油和天然气业务的支柱,在过去两年里,它在科威特、新加坡和匈牙利赢得了大合同,拿到了16架飞机的订单,而较小的H215则被塞尔维亚和乌兹别克斯坦抢购。需求如此之大,以至于政府和军方现在正考虑将商用H225重新用于执行军事任务。基辅内政部使用的乌克兰机器已经从石油和天然气配置上进行了改进,法国军方也希望以同样的方式扩大其H225机队。

Among the biggest beneficiaries is Airbus’ Super Puma-family. Once a mainstay of oil and gas operations, the helicopter has in the last two years won major contracts in Kuwait, Singapore and Hungary, which ordered 16 aircraft, while the smaller H215 has been snapped up by Serbia and Uzbekistan. Demand is such that governments and militaries are now looking to repurpose commercial H225s for the military mission. Ukraine’s machines used by Kyiv’s interior ministry have been modified from an oil and gas configuration, and the French military is also looking to expand its H225 fleet the same way. 



这条消息是Tony Osborne在Aviation Week & Space Technology发表文章的摘要。请阅读全文,了解2020年间的其他主要项目计划。订阅者可以在此处访问完整的文章 (英文)

This is an abbreviated version of an article by Tony Osborne that appeared in Aviation Week & Space Technology. Read about other major program selections expected during 2020 in the full article. Login or subscribe to access the full article here.