Global capacity dropped for a second consecutive week as airlines continued to remove seats from the market.
The data, provided by OAG Schedules Analyser, shows 61.1 million seats were available worldwide last week (w/c April 19, 2021), down by 2% on the previous seven days. The latest reduction means that overall capacity has declined by more than 2 million seats in just 14 days.
India’s market lost the most seats week-on-week on numerical terms as the number of COVID-19 cases in the country continues to rise sharply. There were 2.9 million seats available last week—a fall of 8.9% on the previous week.
On April 20 there were 3,570 aircraft movements at Indian airports, down from 4,248 movements on April 13, according to figures published by India’s Ministry of Civil Aviation.
There are likely to be further declines over the coming weeks as the country’s government tries to stem the latest coronavirus outbreak with stringent new lockdown measures. The latest OAG capacity data for this week (w/c April 26, 2021) indicate a further 255,000 seats have been removed from schedules.
Thailand also recorded a capacity drop of almost 280,000 seats last week, with the country’s government mulling further travel restrictions to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
China recorded the largest capacity growth last week in numerical terms—although the rise was a negligible 0.2% increase on the previous seven days.
Photo credit: Rob Finlayson