Lufthansa Places Risky Bid For ITA Airways

ITA Airways

The key to ITA's turnaround will be fast revenue growth. 

Lufthansa’s daring bid for Italy’s ITA Airways could be the first move in a new round of consolidation among European airlines. Possibly next on the list: TAP Portugal. Lufthansa Group submitted its long-awaited offer for ITA Airways to the Italian government on Jan. 18. It plans to take an initial...
Jens Flottau

Based in Frankfurt, Germany, Jens is executive editor and leads Aviation Week Network’s global team of journalists covering commercial aviation.

Helen Massy-Beresford

Based in Paris, Helen Massy-Beresford covers European and Middle Eastern airlines, the European Commission’s air transport policy and the air cargo industry for Aviation Week & Space Technology and Aviation Daily.

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