Is launching an airline wise with the market in turmoil?

Hans Airways will initially target the UK-India VFR market.
Credit: Hans Airways
"In the midst of every crisis lies great opportunity” is a quote from Albert Einstein often repeated in bad times such as the current global pandemic. A lot of would-be airline operators seem to agree, given the number of startups popping up the past two years. But is it wise to start an airline...
Alan Dron

Based in London, Alan is Europe & Middle East correspondent at Air Transport World.

Victoria Moores

Victoria Moores joined Air Transport World as our London-based European Editor/Bureau Chief on 18 June 2012. Victoria has nearly 20 years’ aviation industry experience, spanning airline ground operations, analytical, journalism and communications roles.

Is launching an airline wise with the market in turmoil? is part of our Air Transport World subscription.

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