Former Foes United Airlines And Emirates Start New Partnership

Emirates and United airliners
Emirates and United have put their differences aside to forge a new partnership.
Credit: United Airlines
United Airlines, American Airlines and Delta Air Lines launched an expensive, highly controversial campaign seven years ago to convince the U.S. government that Emirates, along with Etihad Airways and Qatar Airways, had received $42 billion in illegal subsidies. Therefore, access to the U.S. market...
Lori Ranson

Lori covers North American and Latin airlines for Aviation Week and is also a Senior Analyst for CAPA - Centre for Aviation.

Jens Flottau

Based in Frankfurt, Germany, Jens is executive editor and leads Aviation Week Network’s global team of journalists covering commercial aviation.

Former Foes United Airlines And Emirates Start New Partnership is available to both Aviation Week & Space Technology and AWIN subscribers.

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