Air Transport Maintenance & Training

May 02, 2017
MRO Briefs-May 2, 2017
Apr 26, 2017
MRO Briefs-April 26, 2017
Apr 25, 2017
The evolution of predictive maintenance means better maintenance.
Apr 25, 2017
Turkish regional carrier Borajet Airlines suspended operations April 23, citing maintenance issues, but said it plans to resume operations by the time the new Istanbul airport opens in 2018.
Apr 21, 2017
MRO Briefs-April 21, 2017
Jun 09, 2020
Commercial aftermarket revenues are on track to fall 50% in the second quarter (Q2), in line with an industry consensus that has global airline activity slowly increasing after hitting bottom in April, two new surveys show.
Jun 09, 2020
The to-do list for Mitsubishi: Hit cost targets, then set and execute a certification plan and finally decide when to resume production.
Jun 04, 2020
European Commission to improve EGNOS performance in approach and targets use of Galileo for air navigation.
Jun 03, 2020
A look at some simply-installed modifications for cabin hygiene and passenger-to-cargo conversions from IAMA stakeholders.
Jun 02, 2020
Bombardier’s exit from commercial aerospace was finalized yesterday with the sale of its CRJ aircraft program to Japanese manufacturer Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) in a deal including its maintenance support services.
Jun 02, 2020
Fuel microbes thrive in heat and humidity. At a time when thousands of aircraft are parked, and not spending time at altitude where it’s much colder, the chance of contamination is higher than normal. 
May 28, 2020
Karolis Matulaitis, director at Kaunas International Airport, talks to James Pozzi about the changes to the operation during the novel coronavirus…
May 28, 2020
While Singapore Airlines received strong state backing, financially troubled Thai Airways was sent to bankruptcy court by its government.