3DMF's high-energy hydro-forming technology may make production of complex parts easier, cutting long, painstaking steps, Safran Nacelles CEO Vincent Caro says.
With more than 100 tests complete on the RISE program, so far there have been no showstoppers in the quest to develop an engine with 20% better fuel efficiency.
The need for more production investment, ongoing supply chain issues and maintenance capacity concerns are all refraining Safran's CEO from pursuing a higher market share of Airbus A320neo powerplants.
The Italian government says the project threatens the country’s defense and national security, as Microtecnica is a supplier of the Eurofighter Typhoon fighter.
On top of the committed corporate capital, the fund has raised nearly $500,000 from United customers through contributions made during the booking process.
Two-thirds of Europe’s Clean Aviation research projects are focused on more sustainable advanced propulsion technologies for service entry in the mid-2030s.
Major aerostructures supplier Daher is prioritizing Airbus A320 component deliveries to help mitigate supply chain issues that have caused production delays.
The TP-R90, a recuperative turboprop designed for light aircraft, ran on gaseous hydrogen; Turbotech and Safran will switch to liquid hydrogen later this year.
The architecture may help keep the engine’s power to the minimum specification, as opposed to oversizing the engine to cope with marginal phases of working.
Wind tunnel evaluations are giving Safran confidence about meeting the targeted noise levels of the RISE open-fan engine demonstrator, company executives say.