By Garrett Reim
The project was eclipsed by private spacecraft refueling efforts.

By Guy Norris
The tests will establish the performance of the unmodified aircraft before the start of the hybrid-electric conversion effort.
Advanced Air Mobility

By Mark Carreau
NASA raised the number of its active duty astronauts eligible for missions from 38 to 48 on March 5 with the graduation of its 2021 class of 10 candidates.

By Irene Klotz
SpaceX completed a pair of overlapping Falcon 9 missions on March 4.
Commercial Space

By Mark Carreau
Three NASA astronauts and a Russian cosmonaut arrived at the ISS early March 5 with the autonomous docking of the SpaceX Crew-8 Dragon Endeavour capsule.

By Steve Trimble
A forthcoming launch will test Lockheed Martin Space’s concept for advancing internet-like communications in orbit for military users.
Commercial Space

By Mark Carreau
NASA’s Planetary Science Division is hopeful it can craft a new operating plan for the Mars Sample Return mission by July.

By Irene Klotz
A compromise appropriations bill for fiscal 2024 keeps most funding for NASA’s Artemis lunar exploration initiative intact.

By Garrett Reim
NASA has canceled its ambitious On-orbit Servicing, Assembly, and Manufacturing 1 (OSAM-1) project after technical problems, cost overruns and delays.

By Graham Warwick
Ultraquiet propulsion developer Whisper Aero is proposing a concept for a 100-seat battery-electric regional airliner.
Aircraft & Propulsion

By Irene Klotz
Three U.S. astronauts and a Russian cosmonaut began a 28-hr. ride to the ISS March 2, setting the stage for a six-month mission onboard the orbital outpost.

By Irene Klotz
Scrappy Houston startup Intuitive Machines puts the U.S. back on the surface of the Moon.
Commercial Space

By Mark Carreau
NASA’s planned Mars Sample Return mission faces significant obstacles, an IG report says.

By Mark Carreau
Launched in September 2016 as Osiris-Rex, the mission dropped off samples from the asteroid Bennu during a flyby of Earth on Sept. 24, 2023.

By Irene Klotz
Expected poor weather downrange, a concern in case of a launch abort, has delayed SpaceX's Crew-8 launch.

By Mark Carreau
A NASA safety panel on Feb. 28 identified two issues that it is watching especially closely as the agency prepares for the Artemis II mission.

By Mark Carreau
Dana Weigel, NASA’s International Space Station deputy program manager since 2021, is taking over as the 15-nation orbital lab’s program manager.

NASA, SpaceX and Russia’s Roscosmos are preparing for the first seven-person, multiweek crew exchange of 2024 aboard the International Space Station.

By Irene Klotz
Flight controllers at Intuitive Machines conducted their first mission on the Moon’s surface Feb. 23.
Commercial Space

By Mark Carreau
FAA’s Office of Commercial Space Transportation (AST) faces long-running challenges in addressing safety concerns for human commercial spaceflight passengers.

By Mark Carreau
Since the start of continuous staffing of the ISS by astronauts in November 2000, more than 3,000 science experiments and technology demonstrations have been logged.

By Irene Klotz
A privately owned lunar lander positioned itself into orbit around the Moon on Feb. 21, setting the stage for an attempted touchdown on Feb. 22.
Commercial Space

By Irene Klotz
“We can go dramatically faster,” says new Blue Origin CEO Dave Limp.
Commercial Space

By Irene Klotz
There is a long history of NASA brain power moving on to private industry.

By Mark Carreau
The agreement is intended to facilitate a growing space economy by creating a “collaborative development environment,” NASA says.