We’re implementing some exciting updates this weekend, so you might encounter occasional issues. Be sure to come back on Monday and check out our dedicated Defense and Space channels!

Artificial Intelligence

By Ben Goldstein
The testbed aircraft made its first flight in June from the company’s test facility at California’s Mojave Air & Space Port.
Advanced Air Mobility

By Garrett Reim
Formerly named Starburst Aerospace, the accelerator launched in 2012 with the aim of fostering and investing in aerospace startups.
Commercial Space

By Brian Everstine
While the Collaborative Combat Aircraft effort prioritizes quick fielding, Project VENOM plans to evaluate future improved capabilities—including AI.
Aircraft & Propulsion

By Graham Warwick
Funds raised will also be used to accelerate commercialization of the RX1E-A two-seat electric light sport aircraft.
Advanced Air Mobility

By Chen Chuanren
The South Korean defense ministry is proposing a 3.6% year-on-year spending hike.
Budget, Policy & Operations

By Keith Mwanalushi
As artificial intelligence gains traction in the sector, experts are considering the best deployment strategies for effective maintenance planning.
Emerging Technologies

By Chen Chuanren
SIA Engineering Co. expects growth in the Asia-Pacific region and artificial intelligence to accelerate business opportunities.
Workforce & Training

By P. Barry Butler
Pilot-to-pilot and pilot-to-ATC communications are among the areas in which AI is enriching and accelerating student training.
Emerging Technologies

By Lindsay Bjerregaard
The company’s Bay of Excellence initiative blends “the Japanese continuous improvement mindset and American and Canadian ingenuity.”
Workforce & Training

By Christine Boynton, Helen Massy-Beresford
Carriers are bolstering resilience to growing cybersecurity threats, while regulators work to encourage collaboration around risks and harmonize standards.
Safety, Ops & Regulation

By Garrett Reim
Advanced manufacturing companies are trying to automate complex aerospace work.
Manufacturing & Supply Chain

By Lindsay Bjerregaard
IFS’s VP for Aerospace and Defense Industries shares perspectives on the company’s AI strategy.
Emerging Technologies

By Lindsay Bjerregaard
IFS considers some of the most realistic use cases for artificial intelligence in MRO.
Emerging Technologies

By Vivienne Machi
The command is transitioning to the Mavan Smart System.
SMD Symposium

By Lindsay Bjerregaard
Several aftermarket companies are rolling out artificial intelligence and blockchain technologies to improve parts tracking and tracing.
Emerging Technologies

By Brian Everstine
Brig. Gen. Frank Lozano, the program executive officer for Missiles and Space, laid out four planned competitions for next year.
SMD Symposium

By Lindsay Bjerregaard
Artificial intelligence technology developers are boosting functionality and growing their customer base in the MRO market.

By Lindsay Bjerregaard
Embraer Services and Support is investing in new facilities, technologies and potential business lines.
Aircraft & Propulsion

By Lindsay Bjerregaard
Newly appointed President of GA Telesis’s Digital Innovation Group, Jason Reed, talks artificial intelligence and technology strategies.
Emerging Technologies

By Matthew Fulco
Defense tech startups raised $9.1 billion in the first half of 2024 compared to $34.9 billion for all of 2023 and $35.8 billion in 2022, a new report says.
Budget, Policy & Operations

By Lindsay Bjerregaard
IFS says the acquisition reinforces its commitment to industrial artificial intelligence.
Emerging Technologies

By Chen Chuanren
Japan is studying a new class of air defense destroyer.
Missile Defense & Weapons

By Jeremy Kariuki
Aviation Week's Jeremy Kariuki speaks with Web Manuals CCO Krister Genmark about his company's new AI tool that changes how operators search their documents.
BCA Podcast

By Swaati Ketkar
HCLTech is incorporating generative artificial intelligence features in its iMRO/4 software.
Emerging Technologies

By Garrett Reim
Slingshot Aerospace has developed an artificial intelligence program to find adversary spacecraft hiding among satellite constellations.