
By Brian Everstine
Sharing low-cost emitters with Ukrainian forces is one innovative way to help complicate the air picture for Russia.

By Brian Everstine
Though the defense authorization bill could pass quickly, a corresponding spending bill faces a tougher process.
Budget, Policy & Operations

By Steve Trimble
The generalized comments by Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin are in keeping with the tight security controls around the stealth bomber program.
Sensors & Electronic Warfare

By Brian Everstine, Guy Norris, Steve Trimble, Graham Warwick
The B-21 Raider was displayed at the company’s secretive Plant 42 complex about 34 years after a similar ceremony for its predecessor the B-2.
Aircraft & Propulsion

By Steve Trimble
How do the B-21 and B-2 bomber differ? Here are four ways.

By Steve Trimble
DARPA has released the solicitation for conceptual designs of a new X-Plane that could operate without runways or launch and recovery infrastructure.
Sensors & Electronic Warfare

By Guy Norris
William B. Scott tells the story behind late senior engineering editor Michael A. Dornheim’s legendary overhead photo scoop at the rollout of the B-2 bomber.
Aircraft & Propulsion

By Chen Chuanren
Chinese and Russian air forces have conducted the first so-called landaways with their bomber forces.
Budget, Policy & Operations

By Kim Minseok
Poland’s Korea Aerospace Industries FA-50PL light fighters will be equipped with Phantom Strike AESA radars and AIM-120 missiles and KGGB bombs.
Missile Defense & Weapons

By Michael Bruno
Yes, you are in a strong defense spending economy. Whether it will ever feel like one is a different question.
Budget, Policy & Operations

By Brian Everstine
The award marks the latest step to increase Ukraine’s air defenses, with the leaders of multiple nations pledging additional support.
Missile Defense & Weapons

By Mark Carreau
Successful execution of DRO departure burn is the first of two major maneuvers needed to place the uncrewed capsule on course toward a Pacific Ocean splashdown.

By Brian Everstine
The new Office of Strategic Capital aims to help with the development of key technologies with new connections to funding.
Budget, Policy & Operations

By Tony Osborne
But just days later Trappier appeared on French radio to say that the German-Spanish announcements had been premature.
Supply Chain

By Tony Osborne
The Russian invasion of Ukraine has confirmed the threat posed from long-range fires such as ballistic and cruise missiles.
Missile Defense & Weapons

By Tony Osborne
The arrangement emerges as KAI reportedly pursues the potential sale of as many as 100 T-50 Golden Eagle jet trainers to the Egyptian Air Force.
Budget, Policy & Operations

By Chen Chuanren
Thailand is among the last Gripen users to embark on the upgrade, primarily due to a lack of funding.
Budget, Policy & Operations

By Jen DiMascio
China’s nuclear arsenal grows; Russia converts to conventional; Raptor helmet displays, and U.S. buys three more GPS satellites.
Budget, Policy & Operations

By Steve Trimble
DARPA has selected General Atomics Aeronautical Systems to complete a preliminary design of a C-17-size, double-fuselage freighter.
Multi-Mission Aircraft

The 1 min. 45-sec. DRO departure maneuver is scheduled for Dec. 1 at 4:55 p.m. EST, followed by a 3 min. 27 sec. Earth return lunar flyby maneuver on Dec. 5 at 11 a.m. EST.

By Brian Everstine
Shifting space debris tracking to the Commerce Department will free Spacecom up to focus on the “why” of movement in space.

JAPAN ordered two more KC-46A Pegasus tankers, increasing its total contract to six (two delivered).

By Tony Osborne
MBDA’s Common Anti-Air Modular Missile-Extended Range is to move into production following Italy’s approval of the acquisition.
Missile Defense & Weapons

By Steve Trimble
The milestone approval keeps the Saab Gripen E on track to enter service next year with the Brazilian Air Force and in 2025 with the Swedish Air Force.
Aircraft & Propulsion

By Tony Osborne
First delivery of the Boeing E-7 Wedgetail airborne early warning (AEW) aircraft to the RAF has been pushed back 12 months.
Supply Chain