Artemis III

By Irene Klotz
Matching NASA’s needs with the ideal contracting mechanism is a challenge.

By Mark Carreau
The five recommendations are among nine identified by the GAO in May 2023 as “priority” that still await full implementation.

By Mark Carreau
NASA administrator Bill Nelson again raised astronaut safety as the primary pacing item for Artemis III.

By Graham Warwick, Joe Anselmo
Our roundup of the main aerospace and defense stories making the news this week.
Aircraft & Propulsion

By Mark Carreau
NASA’s inspector general has identified a range of technical issues of concern that arose during the uncrewed 2022 Artemis I mission.

By Mark Carreau
Earlier this year, NASA announced a rescheduling of the Artemis II and Artemis III missions.

By Mark Carreau
Axiom and Collins are working on new spacesuits for the agency’s lunar and LEO programs.

By Mark Carreau
The multiyear Lunar Terrain Vehicle Services contract agreements have a combined maximum potential value of $4.6 billion over 15 years.

By Mark Carreau
NASA has selected the first three science instruments for deployment on the Moon’s south pole as part of Artemis III.

By Irene Klotz
The agency is asking for the same amount of money it received in 2023.

By Garrett Reim
Last living Apollo 17 crewmember is guiding off-world prospecting.
Commercial Space

By Irene Klotz
The White House on March 11 unveiled a $25.4 billion spending plan for NASA in fiscal 2025.

By Mark Carreau
The astronauts graduated from a two-year training period in a ceremony at NASA’s Johnson Space Center on March 5.

By Irene Klotz
A compromise appropriations bill for fiscal 2024 keeps most funding for NASA’s Artemis lunar exploration initiative intact.

By Mark Carreau
A NASA safety panel on Feb. 28 identified two issues that it is watching especially closely as the agency prepares for the Artemis II mission.

By Mark Carreau
NASA has learned a number of lessons that have helped shape an evolving Moon-to-Mars Architecture strategy that underpins the agency’s Artemis program.

By Mark Carreau
NASA intends to lead an internationally and commercially partnered effort to establish a sustainable human presence at the Moon and keep on going.

By Irene Klotz
The Houston-based company is poised to become the fourth private entity to attempt a lunar landing.
Commercial Space

By Irene Klotz
When astronauts land on the Moon, will taikonauts be there to greet them?

By Mark Carreau
The latest delays in NASA’s Artemis lunar program signal deep-seated cost and technical issues as well as a lack of sufficient oversight that must be addressed.

By Mark Carreau
NASA is delaying its initial human lunar Artemis program missions, Artemis II and III, due to technical challenges related to crew safety.

By Mark Carreau
Thirteen Phase 1 NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts grants have been awarded by the agency for early stage technology studies.

By Mark Carreau
Astrobotic Technology is pitching an innovative strategy for the future mining of the Moon using rocket propulsion for extraction.
Commercial Space

By Irene Klotz
An orbital propellant depot and fueling service are keys to the Starship lunar lander architecture.

By Mark Carreau
NASA is unlikely to return astronauts to the Moon’s surface by December 2025 with its Artemis III mission, a GAO audit says.