Clean Aviation

By Guy Norris
Liquid hydrogen (LH2) may be the promised panacea for aviation’s journey to net-zero, but getting there is going to be tough—particularly for the engine-makers.
Aircraft & Propulsion

By Graham Warwick
Sustainable aviation fuel cuts contrails; MTU progresses fuel cells; medical evacuation drone; and vertical-takeoff-and-landing cargo drone in the UAE.
Emerging Technologies

By Thierry Dubois
Demonstrators built under Clean Sky 2, the project’s predecessor, were exhibited at the annual forum as a source of motivation.
Emerging Technologies

By Thierry Dubois
CORAC President Yannick Assouad tells Aviation Daily the amount the Airbus ZEROe and ATR EVO programs may benefit from is still being defined.
Safety, Ops & Regulation

By Thierry Dubois
For Europe’s Clean Aviation public-private aeronautics research program, time is a raison d’etre.
Emerging Technologies

By Thierry Dubois
As the Airbus CEO is adamant that hydrogen propulsion is feasible, the Climate Impulse project might do some groundwork for the technology.
Aircraft & Propulsion

By Graham Warwick
Europe’s Clean Sky 2 research program ends in March, having matured an array of potential technologies for Airbus’ next airliner.
Aircraft & Propulsion

By Guy Norris
Two-thirds of Europe’s Clean Aviation research projects are focused on more sustainable advanced propulsion technologies for service entry in the mid-2030s.
Emerging Technologies

By Guy Norris
MTU's three-year Herops project under Europe’s Clean Aviation research program aims to demonstrate a 1.2-megawatt propulsion system.
Emerging Technologies

By Graham Warwick
A three-year project to mature technologies for a low-drag strut-braced wing for future ultra-efficient airliners has been kicked off by an ONERA-led team.
Emerging Technologies

By Thierry Dubois, Guy Norris
Validating the design of the fan blades is the overarching goal of a monthslong campaign at ONERA’s S1MA wind tunnel.
Emerging Technologies

By Graham Warwick
Flying electric on LH2; Clean Aviation adds projects; UK back in EU’s Horizon; and lower-cost e-fuel SAF.
Emerging Technologies

By Thierry Dubois
The organization’s new study offers a detailed comparison between alternative sustainable power configurations for an Airbus A380-like airliner.
Aircraft & Propulsion

By Thierry Dubois
The High Five Awards were presented during a ceremony at the show's Paris Air Lab, honoring five individuals making strides in aviation sustainability.
Paris Air Show

By Thierry Dubois, Guy Norris, Molly McMillin
As climate concerns grow, at the heart of the controversy is whether business aviation operations are actually for business or leisure.
Paris Air Show

By Thierry Dubois
In Europe’s Clean Aviation project, no funding exists for SAF-related technology—not in aircraft engines or SAF production.
Safety, Ops & Regulation