International Air Transport Association (IATA)

By Edward Robertson
US security pre-clearance zones in other countries may cause more problems than they solve.
Airports & Networks

By Wesley Charnock
IATA director general calls for more action to tackle capacity crunch and slams the new Heathrow runway's price tag
Airports & Networks

By Wesley Charnock
Peter Cerdá, the regional vice president in the Americas for IATA, discusses the future of Latin America, infrastructure concerns and trends throughout the region.
Airports & Networks

By Richard Maslen
Africa is set to be one of the fastest-growing aviation regions over the next 20 years, with annual expansion averaging nearly five percent. This opens up incredible economic opportunities for the continent’s 54 nations. By transporting some 70 million passengers annually, aviation already supports some 6.9 million jobs and $80 billion of economic activity on the African continent.
Airports & Networks