U.S. Air Force (USAF)

By Brian Everstine
Kendall took over as the service’s top civilian in 2021 and will leave office in the next few weeks.
Missile Defense & Weapons

By Steve Trimble
Quantum entanglement is perhaps a fitting metaphor for the NGAD Platform.
Aircraft & Propulsion

By Matthew Fulco
Govini estimates that more than 20,000 individual parts used by the Pentagon are impacted by the export controls, affecting more than 1,000 weapons systems.
Supply Chain

By Vivienne Machi
Donald Trump is reentering the White House as the U.S. faces an expanded threat environment in the space domain.
Budget, Policy & Regulation

By Brian Everstine
Kendall announced in July that the service had paused NGAD ahead of an imminent contract award.
Aircraft & Propulsion

By Brian Everstine
The Joint Program Office (JPO) and Lockheed Martin reached a handshake agreement in November for F-35 production lots 18 and 19.
Aircraft & Propulsion

By Guy Norris
The move follows the completion of a critical design review that clears the way for final development, test, and production efforts to proceed.
Aircraft & Propulsion

By Brian Everstine
Milestones loom in the coming months for future refueler and airlifter programs amid funding uncertainty.
Budget, Policy & Operations

By Brian Everstine
Steve Parker says the manufacturer needs to focus on execution amid cost overruns and address the root causes of issues on production lines.
Supply Chain

By Graham Warwick
Quantum computing challenge winners; Electric aircraft familiarization; Large cargo eVTOL; Zero-emission test arena.
Emerging Technologies

By Matthew Jouppi
The Aviation Week Intelligence Network is tracking $193 billion in open opportunities for military aircraft over the next decade.
Aircraft & Propulsion

By Garrett Reim
AFWERX does not have any specific requirements, a program of record, or impending contracts for hybrid eVTOLs.
Aircraft & Propulsion

By Garrett Reim
Archer Aviation and Anduril Industries have signed a “strategic partnership” to develop “next-generation aircraft” for defense applications.
Aircraft & Propulsion

By Brian Everstine
The increasing number of uncrewed aerial systems (UAS) being spotted near U.S. military installations rep[ortedly pose no threat.
Aircraft & Propulsion

By Brian Everstine
Kratos Defense and Security recently completed the first flight of its stealthy uncrewed combat air vehicle Thanatos, proving out the aircraft’s basic design.
Aircraft & Propulsion

By Vivienne Machi
The House Armed Services and Senate Armed Services committees are providing one of the U.S. Space Force’s procurement offices with a boost in resources.
Budget, Policy & Regulation

By Steve Trimble
U.S. operators paused most Bell-Boeing V-22 Osprey operations after a material failure caused one of the tiltrotor aircraft to make a precautionary landing.
Aircraft & Propulsion

By Brian Everstine
The U.S. Air Force and Navy should more closely collaborate on variants of their next-generation fighters instead of further splitting apart as development continues, an influential senator argues.
Aircraft & Propulsion

By Brian Everstine
Scaled Composites brings back its “Old School” test platform seven years after its last flight.
Aircraft & Propulsion

By Steve Trimble
The U.S. Air Force will postpone decisions about the future of the Next Generation Air Dominance (NGAD) program until beyond year-end.
Aircraft & Propulsion

By Mark Carreau
A new decadal survey of future solar and space physics research calls for an increased focus on the Sun and its interactions across the Solar System.
Space Exploration

By Steve Trimble
A decade’s worth of investment to counter the latest Russian and Chinese threats is finally close to entering operational service across the U.S. fighter fleet.
Sensors & Electronic Warfare

By Brian Everstine
The service on Dec. 2 released images of an F-16 from the 40th Flight Test Squadron at Eglin AFB, Florida, releasing the weapon over the Gulf of Mexico.
Missile Defense & Weapons

By Brian Everstine
The future high-altitude intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance fleet’s first delivery and flight highlight progress made despite the stop-work order.
Budget, Policy & Operations

By Brian Everstine
The deployment plan overhauls how personnel prepare to deploy, creating four six-month stages.
Budget, Policy & Operations