_Aerospace Daily

General Dynamics plans to acquire Steyr Spezialfahrzeug and its parent company, SSF-Holding GmbH of Austria, on Oct. 2, the company said Sept. 30. The company acquired 25 percent of SSF-Holding in 1999. Steyr Spezialfahrzeug, which builds the Pandur family of wheeled combat vehicles and Ulan tracked infantry fighting vehicles, will become part of General Dynamics' Combat Systems Group.

Nick Jonson
United Defense Industries' EX-57 Mk 3 naval gun, selected by Northrop Grumman for the U.S. Coast Guard's first National Security Cutter (NSC), can fire 200 rounds a minute and is ideal for small-boat defense, company officials said. Under a contract from Northrop Grumman, United Defense will produce one EX-57 Mk 3 naval gun for each NSC and provide engineering support services (see related story on Page 7).

Wings Club

GOODRICH CORP. will build landing gear axle beams for Lockheed Martin C-5 Galaxy aircraft under a $15.4 million follow-on contract from the U.S. Air Force, the company said Sept. 30. The axle beams will be used as spares.

Nick Jonson
Two bills moving through Congress may satisfy European Union demands that the U.S. overhaul its corporate tax system, according to officials with the Aerospace Industries Association (AIA). The Senate Finance Committee, chaired by Sen. Charles Grassley (R-Iowa), is expected to mark up one of the bills Oct. 1. The European Union has threatened to levy $4 billion in sanctions against certain American exports unless Congress changes the current corporate tax structure.

Marc Selinger
Congressional advocates of equipping all U.S. commercial airliners with anti-missile systems have unveiled a scaled-down version of their proposal in hopes of winning wider support.

NASA BIRTHDAY: NASA celebrates its 45th anniversary Oct. 1. The aerospace agency was formed in 1958 as a reaction to Russia's launch of Sputnik, and incorporated the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA) and other government organizations.

Rich Tuttle
COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. - Lockheed Martin Corp.'s new Hi-Vision Air-Space Integration Lab, unveiled here Sept. 29, will be a node in a network of 40 company centers that will be linked to government facilities and the centers of other companies to collaborate on the architecture questions of net-centric operations, according to a company executive.

JTT WORK: Japan Turbine Technologies (JTT), a joint venture of Pratt & Whitney and Japan Airlines, will maintain and repair high-pressure turbine airfoils for V2500 engines under a three-year contract from Jaapan Air System. The agreement covers 32 engines and six spares that power 16 Boeing-McDonnell Douglas MD90 aircraft flown by Japan Air System, a subsidiary of Japan Airlines System Corp. JTT will perform the work at its facility near New Tokyo International Airport in Narita.

Nick Jonson
Congress approved the U.S. Navy's request to buy long-lead items for the second Advanced Seal Delivery System (ASDS) as part of the fiscal 2004 appropriations bill, but the money will come through only after the mini-submarine successfully completes an upcoming test milestone. The date for Milestone C has not been set, but officials with the Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA) told The DAILY it likely will be scheduled for later this year or early 2004.

Aerospace Industries Association

DISPLAYS: Rockwell Collins will manage, support and repair tactical cockpit displays in U.S. Navy F/A-18B/C/Ds and F-14Ds under a $130 million contract from the Naval Inventory Control Point, the company said Sept. 29. The company will be one of three depots that will perform repairs on the equipment under the five-year contract and will provide logistics support to the other depots, the company said.

Dmitry Pieson
MOSCOW - Russia's Space Forces launched six small satellites on Sept. 27 on a Cosmos 3M light launch vehicle from Plesetsk Cosmodrome. The launch, which was delayed a day because of technical problems, included a Russian military radar calibration spacecraft, an educational satellite for the Space Forces' Mozhaiskiy Academy and the first Nigerian satellite. The Larets ("Chest") satellite is a passive reflecting spacecraft intended to reflect beams from ground-based laser rangefinders.

Marc Selinger
Congressional appropriators have more than doubled the amount of money available in the Department of Homeland Security's (DHS) fiscal 2004 budget for quickly fielding new capabilities.

Bulbul Singh
NEW DELHI - India has requested an unspecified number of Lockheed Martin C-130 Hercules transport aircraft from the United States, two months after Washington agreed to supply six of the aircraft to Pakistan. An official with the Indian Ministry of Defence told The DAILY that talks with U.S. officials have begun over a proposed buy under the Foreign Military Sales program.

Aviation Week

AIRSHIP WINNER: The U.S. Missile Defense Agency has chosen Lockheed Martin to be the prime contractor for the High Altitude Airship (HAA) program, the Defense Department announced late Sept. 29. Lockheed Martin, which beat out teams led by the Boeing Co. and Worldwide Aeros Corp., is being awarded an eight-month, $40 million contract for the surveillance and communications platform, with options for additional work worth $59 million.

By Jefferson Morris
NASA is preparing to launch another two-persion crew to the International Space Station (ISS) on Oct. 18, while debating when a third crewmember might be added following the space shuttle's return to flight. Expedition 8 Commander Michael Foale, Flight Engineer Alexander Kaleri of the Russian Aviation and Space Agency (Rosaviakosmos) and Pedro Duque of the European Space Agency will launch to the ISS from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan aboard a Soyuz TMA-3 vehicle.

Marc Selinger
Congress has shifted tens of millions of dollars in the Pentagon's fiscal 2004 budget to the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter's F136 alternate engine to help keep that effort on track.