Optimizing Engines Through the Lifecycle


Jun 07, 2019
In April, CFM International* (CFM) reached a new production milestone when employees built and assembled the 15,000th CFM56-7B jet engine destined for a Boeing Next-Generation 737 airplane.
Jun 07, 2019
More than 33,400 CFM56 engines delivered to date.
May 20, 2019
Since the LEAP engine program was launched more than a decade ago, CFM has committed to both developing internal capability through CFM Services, as well as working with its partners to expand third-party MRO capability to support the industry's fastest-growing fleet.
May 16, 2019
There are hundreds of thousands of parts in an aircraft and it’s arguable that the highest concentration of those can be found in the whole powerplant system. Ensuring that every part is airworthy is vital, so keeping spares at hand is necessary at all times.
May 16, 2019
The UAE airline is using a new GE predictive tool for managing engines that is reaping major benefits.
May 07, 2019
In Środa Śląska, outside of Wroclaw, Poland, a massive facility encompassing over 35,000-square-meters emblazoned with a giant shimmering X has opened for business and is already making aviation industrial history.
Apr 18, 2019
Since the LEAP engine program was launched more than a decade ago, CFM has committed to both developing internal capability through CFM Services, as well as working with its partners to expand third-party MRO capability to support the industry’s fastest-growing fleet.
Apr 15, 2019
For everyone who says, “small is beautiful”, there are those who prefer to say “the bigger, the better”. When it comes to aero engines, both have their supporters but surely no-one could think that an engine whose diameter is greater than the diameter of a Boeing 737 is anything less than impressive.