Commercial Space

The commercial space market, also known as the private space industry or NewSpace, is experiencing strong growth. This burgeoning sector encompasses activities such as satellite manufacturing, space tourism, rocket launches, satellite services and space exploration initiatives driven by private companies. Players like SpaceX and Blue Origin on the launch side, or Planet and Maxar with their in-orbit satellite constellations are revolutionizing the industry, making space more accessible and cost-effective. The demand for satellite internet, Earth observation, and space-based services has fueled investments and technological advancements. With the rise of reusable rockets, commercial crew missions, and ambitious plans for space mining and Mars colonization, the commercial space market is poised for exponential growth, promising exciting developments and opportunities into the future. 

News & Analysis

Jul 08, 2024
Ovzon says its Ovzon 3 small geostationary orbit communications satellite is ready to start commercial service.
Jul 04, 2024
Germany has awarded Airbus a €2.1 billion ($2.3 billion) contract to build the new SatcomBW 3 constellation due to be deployed before the end of the decade.
Jul 03, 2024
Orbit Fab has successfully demonstrated the automated docking of its in-space refueling technology.
Jul 03, 2024
Germany’s Tesat-Spacecom said it has secured a European Space Agency (ESA) project to deliver a cubesat to test 6G telecommunications technology.
Jul 01, 2024
The designation enables Space Florida to tap the Florida Department of Transportation’s Spaceport Improvement Program.
Jul 08, 2024
Ovzon says its Ovzon 3 small geostationary orbit communications satellite is ready to start commercial service.
Jul 04, 2024
Germany has awarded Airbus a €2.1 billion ($2.3 billion) contract to build the new SatcomBW 3 constellation due to be deployed before the end of the decade.
Jul 03, 2024
Orbit Fab has successfully demonstrated the automated docking of its in-space refueling technology.
Jul 03, 2024
Germany’s Tesat-Spacecom said it has secured a European Space Agency (ESA) project to deliver a cubesat to test 6G telecommunications technology.
Jul 01, 2024
The designation enables Space Florida to tap the Florida Department of Transportation’s Spaceport Improvement Program.
Jul 01, 2024
The next 18 months will be busy for United Launch Alliance’s (ULA) newest rocket, and no one is more aware of that fact than Tory Bruno.
Jul 01, 2024
Europe’s Eumetsat agency is turning to SpaceX to deliver its Meteosat Third Generation-Sounder 1 (MTG-S1) weather satellite into orbit in 2025.
Jul 01, 2024
Al Yah Satellite Communications says it has selected SpaceX and the Falcon 9 to launch the Al Yah 4 and Al Yah 5 satellites it recently ordered from Airbus.