Commercial Space

The commercial space market, also known as the private space industry or NewSpace, is experiencing strong growth. This burgeoning sector encompasses activities such as satellite manufacturing, space tourism, rocket launches, satellite services and space exploration initiatives driven by private companies. Players like SpaceX and Blue Origin on the launch side, or Planet and Maxar with their in-orbit satellite constellations are revolutionizing the industry, making space more accessible and cost-effective. The demand for satellite internet, Earth observation, and space-based services has fueled investments and technological advancements. With the rise of reusable rockets, commercial crew missions, and ambitious plans for space mining and Mars colonization, the commercial space market is poised for exponential growth, promising exciting developments and opportunities into the future. 

News & Analysis

Jan 04, 2023
The addition of Airbus gives a strong international presence to Voyager’s Starlab team.
Jan 03, 2023
Launches from the U.S. jumped to 78 for the year, driven by SpaceX, which successfully flew its Falcon rocket fleet 61 times.
Dec 30, 2022
The 2023 budget includes funding for establishing a human presence at the Moon and developing new deep-space technologies.
Dec 21, 2022
Avio’s Vega C launch vehicle failed to place Pléiades Neo 5 & 6 satellites into orbit on Dec. 20.
Dec 21, 2022
Possession of the licenses puts Virgin Orbit back on course to launch in January.
Jan 04, 2023
The addition of Airbus gives a strong international presence to Voyager’s Starlab team.
Jan 03, 2023
Launches from the U.S. jumped to 78 for the year, driven by SpaceX, which successfully flew its Falcon rocket fleet 61 times.
Dec 30, 2022
The 2023 budget includes funding for establishing a human presence at the Moon and developing new deep-space technologies.
Dec 21, 2022
Avio’s Vega C launch vehicle failed to place Pléiades Neo 5 & 6 satellites into orbit on Dec. 20.
Dec 21, 2022
Possession of the licenses puts Virgin Orbit back on course to launch in January.
Dec 13, 2022
Quantum Space has raised $15 million to develop a network of “Scout” spacecraft throughout cislunar space.
Dec 13, 2022
Consulting giant Accenture’s venture capital arm has signed a strategic deal with space-based Earth data upstart Planet Labs.
Dec 12, 2022
Unprecedented high-altitude weather triggered a series of events which led to the loss of Airbus’ Zephyr high-altitude pseudo satellite.