Air, Space & Cyber Conference 2022 News & Analysis

Sep 18, 2020
Lockheed has established new testing and manufacturing facilities to support a notional plan to transition a self-defense laser pod to a tactical aircraft by 2025.
Sep 18, 2020
The potential follow-on order is one of three options in consideration for the Navigation Technology Satellite program (NTS)-3.
Sep 18, 2020
Aviation Week editors discuss the roots of the service’s Next Generation Air Dominance program, its use of digital engineering to speed development and some of the obstacles it may face in the future.
Sep 17, 2020
A roundup of aerospace, space and defense news powered by Aersopace Daily & Defense Report. AWIN members can log in to read the full length articles.
Sep 16, 2020
Corporate exhibits at the Air Force Association's (AFA) virtual Air Space and Cyber conference offered quiet revelations—among them, actual footage…
Sep 16, 2020
The U.S. Air Force is on the hunt for attritable aircraft to round out its inventory, but the service may already have what it needs in the MQ-9, according to the manufacturer.
Sep 16, 2020
The Speed Racer project harkens back to the Skunk Works' origins as the company that built the first XP-80 in 143 days and the first U-2 in less than nine months.