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Nov 10, 2014
China’s new J-20 stealth fighter design points to highly specific mission requirements.
Nov 10, 2014
One of China’s strengths in the space game was thought to be cost, but SpaceX appears to be undercutting the country’s edge in this regard.
Nov 07, 2014
The new CX-1 supersonic anti-ship cruise missile from the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC) shows an uncanny resemblance to another famous supersonic missile, the Mach 2.8-3.0 speed Russian-Indian BrahMos.
Nov 03, 2014
Two major sections of the first C919 fuselage have been connected, and the nose is in position to join them. “Final assembly is proceeding steadily,” says Comac, adding that it is trying to complete joining the structure by year-end, after which it will integrate the on-board systems. The roll-out is due in the third quarter of 2015.
Nov 03, 2014
As the MA700 moves closer to being production-ready, Avic hopes the new offering will be well-received.
Nov 03, 2014
In 2010, the hope was that by 2015 private aircraft would be widely usable in China. As of 2014, little progress has been made for propeller-driven aircraft, although helicopter operations are making progress.
Nov 03, 2014
The 10th Zhuhai air show sees China emerging as a one-stop military aerospace provider, from surveillance satellites to 50-kg small-diameter precision-guided munitions.
Oct 27, 2014
Sukhoi needs an order, so it is willing to sell its most advanced Flanker to China, a customer that has already reverse engineered the Su-27.