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Nov 16, 2021
Boeing Renews Vows With Russian Titanium Supplier VSMPO-AVISMA Boeing has extended its partnership with its biggest titanium supplier, Russian state…
Nov 16, 2021
Social distancing? Facial masks are worn, hands are sanitized and health credentials are required to enter the country but Dubai Airshow visitors…
Nov 16, 2021
At the Dubai Airshow a Lockheed Martin executive says discussions continue with the Spanish government on orders.
Nov 16, 2021
Speaking at Dubai Airshow, a Lockheed Martin executive confirmed the first Block 70 deliveries would be delayed to 2024.
Nov 16, 2021
United Arab Emirates Air Force (UAEAF) combat aircraft, helicopters and support aircraft have swelled the static display of this year’s Dubai Airshow…
Nov 16, 2021
Deliveries are expected to have started by the end of 2023 following first flight, while Aeroter hopes to achieve EASA certification for the type in 2024.
Nov 16, 2021
The private airline believes changing demographics among its Gulf customer base will work to its advantage. 
Nov 16, 2021
The new unit is independent from the OEM, which was deemed necessary to give Airbus Urban Mobility the nimbleness to react in the dynamic advanced air mobility market.