Talking Points From MRO Middle East 2024

Three men talking at MRO Middle East

Panelists on the MRO Middle East Boom of India session (from left): Ashwani Bhargava, Boeing India senior director of supply chain; Ashok Gopinath, GMR Aero Technic president and accountable manager; and Rahul Shah, AAR Corp. senior vice president for strategic growth and business development in the Asia Pacific, Middle East and Africa.

Credit: Aviation Week Network
At Aviation Week’s MRO Middle East event in February, industry leaders discussed the state of affairs for aftermarket growth in the region and how local providers are managing market challenges. Capability and Capacity Airlines in the Middle East reported strong revenues and profits in their latest...
James Pozzi

As Aviation Week's MRO Editor EMEA, James Pozzi covers the latest industry news from the European region and beyond. He also writes in-depth features on the commercial aftermarket for Inside MRO.

Lee Ann Shay

As executive editor of MRO and business aviation, Lee Ann Shay directs Aviation Week's coverage of maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO), including Inside MRO, and business aviation, including BCA.

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