Safety, Ops & Regulation

Dec 13, 2019
ExpressJet Airlines is pursuing maintenance workforce and technology growth following its sale earlier this year to ManaAir, a joint venture between…
Dec 12, 2019
Although the House has OK'd a bill to set up a Space Force, the military will not be able to implement it until a fiscal 2020 approps bill is passed, the DOD says.
Dec 11, 2019
British Airways is exploring the option of 3D printing a variety of parts.
Dec 10, 2019
Airline wants pension cuts to boost the wages of aircraft technicians.
Dec 10, 2019
The proposed airworthiness directive is based on an Airbus service bulletin issued last month.
Dec 09, 2019
Leasing companies warned to be vigilant of international sanctions following a 2013 incident which resulted in a fine for a lessor.
Dec 06, 2019
A listing of airworthiness directive and bulletins from CAA, EASA, FAA and TC.
Dec 04, 2019
As cyber threats increase, is your aftermarket company prepared?