1 | Industry Hiring Spree
MRO providers will roll out better incentives and new technologies as long-term remedies to address staffing shortages caused by the workforce exodus during the COVID-19 pandemic.

2 | No Retirement Wave
The sluggish air traffic recovery in many global regions continuing into 2022 likely means that the expected aircraft retirement wave could be further put off. This might lead to a tighter supply of used serviceable material as feedstocks wane.

3 | Sustainability Initiatives
Sustainability planning will become more prominent as MRO providers formulate long-term strategies aimed at increasing efficiency and reducing waste.

4 | Continuing Demand for Short-Term Leases
Operators increased short-term airframe and engine leases in 2021, and this trend is expected to increase through 2022.

5 | Sluggish M&A Activity
Similar to 2021, merger and acquisition activity in 2022 is anticipated to be more modest than predicted two years ago, at the height of the COVID-19 crisis.

6 | MRO Partnerships Gathering Pace
A long-term consequence of the pandemic will be the formation of more partnerships and joint ventures as companies seek greater synergies. Expect more initiatives of this type, especially in the Middle East and Asia-Pacific region.

7 | Digitalized Supply Chains
With long-standing supply chain challenges heightened by the crisis, a more collaborative approach is taking shape between MROs and their vendors. Expect more investment in digital planning tools and new technologies, such as artificial intelligence-driven databases, to further cross-party collaboration.

8 | Tailored Engine MRO
With engine overhaul demand recovering slowly, repair specialists are adapting by adding more flexible service options. Shorter workscopes, such as for hospital visits and engine transitions, will remain in demand in 2022 even if overhauls pick up.

9 | P2F Capability Growth
The passenger-to-freighter (P2F) aircraft conversion boom is expected to remain one of the key trends in the next few years, and more companies likely will look either to add new capabilities or expand existing ones in 2022.

10 | Turning Away From Traditional MRO
The market will grow for MRO providers aiming to move beyond conventional commercial aircraft repair services. Expect more players to expand into areas such as testing services for everything from electric aircraft prototypes to unmanned aircraft.
Top 10 MRO Predictions for 2022: What to watch for in the civil aviation aftermarket in 2022