WEBINAR: Increasing Airline Efficiency with Embedded Meteorologists in Operations

October 17, 2024
02:00 pm ET / 11:00 am PT



Since 2005, The Weather Company has empowered airlines with embedded meteorologist teams, providing hands-on access to our decision support expertise. Over the past nineteen years, we have continually invested in advanced processes and products to enhance the effectiveness of these teams. Join us to explore the strategic advantages of integrating dedicated meteorologists into your operations. We will dive into The Weather Company's innovative forecasting system and the science driving our product development. You'll also discover how our embedded teams collaborate with our wider group of EWINS-certified aviation meteorologists to deliver comprehensive forecasting and briefing services for airlines around the world.

This webinar will discuss:

  • Embedded team deliverables: the products and briefings developed for and provided to airline operational leaders for decision support.
  • Customer efficiencies realized through the reorganization of The Weather Company's global aviation forecasting teams.
  • The Weather Company's Human-Over-the-Loop (HOTL) forecasting system and how embedded teams are utilizing this system.
  • The Weather Company's TAF Workflow Manager (TWM), a central hub for Auto-TAFs, TAF Verification, TAF Scheduling, and filtering.




Timothy Burke
Meteorologist In Charge (MIC) - The Weather Company

Jim Lidrbauch
Sr. Project Manager, Forecasting Systems - The Weather Company

Ed Hazelwood - Moderator
Aviation Week Contributor


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