WEBINAR: Harnessing Onboard Data to Achieve Fleet-wide Observability

Now Available On-demand!



The inability to access, capture, analyze, and interpret all the data generated by systems onboard aircraft comprehensively is a challenge for most operators today. This lack of data-driven insights can put operators at risk and hampers decision-making for fleet safety and efficiency. Join us to learn more about this problem and the growing need for innovative solutions to provide fleet-wide observability. We'll discuss the importance of observability, its benefits, and how insights gained from the analysis of onboard system data can bolster airline operations, resilience, and aircraft longevity.

This webinar will discuss:

  • The challenges operators face in accessing, analyzing, and understanding onboard aircraft data.
  • The risks associated with a lack of data-driven insights in decision-making processes.
  • The emerging need for innovative solutions that help enhance fleet-wide observability.
  • The critical role of observability in improving operations, resilience, and aircraft longevity.




Bobby Anderson 
VP & GM, Commercial Aviation - Shift5

Ed Hazelwood - Moderator 
Aviation Week Contributor


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