WEBINAR: Contract Lifecycle Management - The Next Big Application for Business Transformations

Now Available On-demand!



In this webinar, PwC's Aerospace and Defense experts and Icertis leaders will discuss a key industry trend - the implementation of contract lifecycle management "CLM" solutions. Businesses are modernizing their CLM tools to leverge next gen capabilities, such as AI & Machine Learning, to drive business outcomes while remaining compliant with evoloving regulations.

Join us to hear CLM trends, implementation challenges, and lessons learned to develop a strong system foundation. Icertis will provide insights from their new industry solution, which addresses challenges of the government contracting lifecycle with leading technology.

This webinar will discuss:

  • What the key emerging trends are for CLM tools and why Aerospace & Defense organizations are investing in them
  • Lessons learned from CLM implementations
  • Challenges for Aerospace & Defense organizations using CLMs and how they can be adequately addressed
  • Key processes and capabilities with a next-gen CLM solution for Aerospace & Defense organizations




Michael Stetz 
Government Contracts Director - PwC

Seth Claus 
CLM Managing Director - PwC

George Sellner 
Public Sector/Federal Industry Solutions Senior Director - Icertis

Ed Hazelwood - Moderator 
Aviation Week Contributor


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