India Potentially Key Driver For Military Helo Market | インドが軍用ヘリコプター市場を牽引する存在になる可能性

Aviation Week Networkでは、インドには今後10年間で272機の新造ヘリコプターを調達する公開案件があることを確認しており、これは同期間における世界中の公開案件のほぼ5分の1に相当する。
In April, the Indian Navy issued a Request for Information (RFI) covering a planned lease of 24 utility helicopters over the next five years. The move is the latest attempt by the service to kickstart an extensive modernization of its rotary-wing fleet that has been planned for years but repeatedly delayed by budgetary constraints.
Meanwhile, the Indian Navy has another long-overdue requirement, only partially fulfilled, to acquire 123 multirole naval helicopters to replace the service’s Sea King and Ka-27 fleets.
If budgetary obstacles can be overcome, the Navy’s requirements and additional planned Army and Air Force projects have the potential to make India a key driver of demand in the military rotary-wing market over the next decade.
Aviation Week Network has identified open opportunities for the supply of 272 new-build helicopters to India over the next decade, representing almost one in five of all open global opportunities over the period.