Gallery: An Exclusive Look at China Airlines' First A350 XWB
October 04, 2016
Airbus A350 XWB cockpit.

China Airlines' first A350 XWB awaits delivery in Toulouse. A total of four A350s are scheduled to be delivered to the Taipei-based carrier.

China Airlines chairman Nuan-Hsuan Ho told ATW that before swapping six A350 options into firm orders, he wants to see how the aircraft performs on nonstop routes to Europe.

These three gentleman have flown the A350 to Taipei, including two Airbus instructor pilots.

Chairman Nuan-Hsuan Ho and the A350 crew

From left: Airbus executive VP-programs Didier Evrard, China Airlines chairman Nuan-Hsuan Ho and Rolls-Royce Civil Aerospace SVP-sales Phil Harris.

Chairman Ho and Airbus executive VP-programs Didier Evrard during the delivery ceremony.

The China Airlines A350 offers 32 seats in premium-business class.

A premium-business class seat prepared as a full flat bed.

Economy class comprises 243 seats with a 34-inch pitch.

Economy class

A huge galley is located in the rear section of the aircraft.

A flight attendant welcomes ATW on board.

Premium-economy class has 31 seats.

An onboard lounge offers refreshments and snacks during the flight.

The A350 XWB at the Airbus delivery center.

A crew rest area for pilots is located directly behind the cockpit.

Airbus A350 XWB cockpit.

China Airlines' first A350 XWB awaits delivery in Toulouse. A total of four A350s are scheduled to be delivered to the Taipei-based carrier.

China Airlines chairman Nuan-Hsuan Ho told ATW that before swapping six A350 options into firm orders, he wants to see how the aircraft performs on nonstop routes to Europe.

These three gentleman have flown the A350 to Taipei, including two Airbus instructor pilots.

Chairman Nuan-Hsuan Ho and the A350 crew

From left: Airbus executive VP-programs Didier Evrard, China Airlines chairman Nuan-Hsuan Ho and Rolls-Royce Civil Aerospace SVP-sales Phil Harris.

Chairman Ho and Airbus executive VP-programs Didier Evrard during the delivery ceremony.

The China Airlines A350 offers 32 seats in premium-business class.

A premium-business class seat prepared as a full flat bed.

Economy class comprises 243 seats with a 34-inch pitch.

Economy class

A huge galley is located in the rear section of the aircraft.

A flight attendant welcomes ATW on board.

Premium-economy class has 31 seats.

An onboard lounge offers refreshments and snacks during the flight.

The A350 XWB at the Airbus delivery center.

A crew rest area for pilots is located directly behind the cockpit.

Airbus A350 XWB cockpit.
Taipei, Taiwan-based China Airlines took delivery of its first of 14 Airbus A350 XWBs Sept. 30 at the Airbus factory in Toulouse. ATW correspondent Kurt Hofmann was onsite to view firsthand the latest passenger comfort additions to the A350-900.