Gallery: European Fighters From The 2022 Aviation Week Photo Contest
June 06, 2023
Race Rafale
Credit: Andreas Zeitler/Manching, Germany
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A French Navy Rafale almost disappears in its own vapor cloud during a flight demonstration at the La Ferté-Alais Airshow.
Axalp At Its Best
Credit: Mario De Pian, Kriens, Switzerland
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Again and again, the Swiss Air Force impresses several thousand spectators at its performance demonstration on the Axalp. The special feature here is the topography. The spectators are above the display of the aircraft in some parts of the show and can see a unique view from "above."
Smoke King
Credit: Andreas Zeitler/Manching, Germany
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A Turkish Air Force F-16C turns and releases smoke at the Malacky Airshow in Slovakia.
Me And The Moon
Credit: Avgar Idan/Rehovot, Israel
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A photo of a Swiss Air Force F-18 during rehearsal to the Axlap 2022 event in the Swiss Alps.
Night Watch
Credit: Andreas Zeitler/Manching, Germany
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A Luftwaffe Eurofighter pilot waits at the last chance area at Neuburg, Germany, while the ground crews performs the final checks. From time to time, the anti-collision light flashed and nicely illuminated the canopy.
Belgian F-16 Duo Celebrating An Anniversary In The Sky
Credit: Benoit Denet/Liege, Belgium
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In the Belgian sky, a pair of F-16s celebrate a special event: the 105th anniversary of the First Sqdn. and the 80th anniversary of the 350th Sqdn. of the Belgian Air Force. The two squadrons are famous and veterans of several wars since their birth.
Anniversary Jet
Credit: Andreas Zeitler/Manching, Germany
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A slightly dizzying view of the Airbus Manching's 60th anniversary jet at the Manching Air Show.
A selection of European fighters from the 2022 edition of the Aviation Week Network Photo Contest, including a French Navy Rafale, a pair of Belgium F-16s, Airbus Manching's 60th-anniversary jet, and a Turkish Air Force F-16C display from the Malacky Airshow in Slovakia.