Defense Budget, Policy & Operations Analysis

Dec 02, 2022
Yes, you are in a strong defense spending economy. Whether it will ever feel like one is a different question.
Dec 01, 2022
China’s nuclear arsenal grows; Russia converts to conventional; Raptor helmet displays, and U.S. buys three more GPS satellites.
Nov 30, 2022
The nation can employ contracting tools, competition, creative policies and allied technologies to meet increased demands.
Nov 29, 2022
Listen in as Aviation Week defense editors discuss what details they are hoping to see and what is likely to come next for the B-21 Raider.
Nov 28, 2022
The White House will likely request a Pentagon budget boost, and defense budget authorizations usually receive bipartisan support.

Premium Defense Budget, Policy & Operations News

Dec 04, 2023
Auditors have determined the UK Defense Ministry’s plans to purchase equipment over the next 10 years are again unaffordable.
Dec 04, 2023
The UK Defense Ministry says Cawdor Barracks, formerly a U.K. Royal Air Force flight training base, has been named as the preferred DARC site.
Dec 03, 2023
Plans for an automated docking were changed because the cargo capsule was slightly out of alignment as it approached the ISS.
Dec 02, 2023
Gen. David Allvin is taking charge of a service undergoing change in almost all aspects of its force structure
Nov 30, 2023
Thailand’s 2023 Defense & Security exhibition here featured an entirely new security and geopolitical landscape since it was last held a year ago.
Nov 30, 2023
European Council President Charles Michel on Nov. 30 proposed issuing “defense bonds” to investors to help fund the European Union’s common defense needs.
Nov 29, 2023
A U.S Air Force Bell/Boeing CV-22 Osprey has crashed into the waters off southwestern Japan, killing at least one of the eight on board.
Nov 29, 2023
The Republic of Singapore Air Force (RSAF) has attained full operational capability (FOC) for its MBDA Aster 30 SAMP/T surface-to-air missile system.