Defense Budget, Policy & Operations Analysis

Mar 10, 2023
Officials call for clean-sheet designs, saying commercial-derivative refuelers are not survivable.
Mar 08, 2023
An upgraded Exploration Upper Stage is due to fly on the fourth flight of NASA’s Space Launch System.
Mar 08, 2023
A plan emerges to establish weapons-making capacity in Australia, starting with perhaps a new production order for Ukraine.
Mar 07, 2023
A new generation of design tools has allowed small companies to compete against industry heavyweights in developing high-performance aircraft.
Mar 07, 2023
Australia is planning its future military expansion as it seeks to fend off the widening influence of China and build its defense industrial capabilities.

Premium Defense Budget, Policy & Operations News

Feb 05, 2024
The U.S. Army is interested in expanding its ability to provide multiyear contracts to industry.
Feb 05, 2024
The RSAF is considering acquiring intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance and communications satellites as it seeks to expand into space operations.
Feb 05, 2024
Saudi officials say localization of its defense industry is closing on 15% as it targets half of all defense equipment to be acquired locally by 2030.
Feb 02, 2024
Multiple U.S. aircraft including B-1B long-range bombers conducted dozens of air strikes on Feb. 2 targeting Iranian officials and militias in Iraq and Syria.
Feb 01, 2024
Lockheed Martin is deepening its involvement in higher precision weather forecasting with a “strategic investment” in Meteomatics.
Feb 01, 2024
The U.S. is preparing a “multi-tiered,” sustained response targeting Iranian-backed militias in Iraq and Syria.
Jan 31, 2024
The lack of fiscal 2024 appropriations will have a substantial impact on U.S. Space Force operations unless Congress can approve a new spending bill.
Jan 31, 2024
Senior BAE Systems executives hope to finalize negotiations on work share, work allocation and work locations for the trinational Global Combat Air Program by the summer.