Defense Budget, Policy & Operations Analysis

Aug 04, 2023
Rather than proceeding with a new F-35 engine, the service is using remaining Adaptive Engine Transition Program funds for sixth-generation development.
Aug 03, 2023
The defense relationship between Azerbaijan and Turkey is tightening through cooperation on the Kaan fighter, but Baku’s role in the program remains foggy.
Jul 28, 2023
Seven missions have been set aside for the third-place winner.
Jul 27, 2023
The country is developing a three-pronged strategy to accelerate the development of hypersonic missiles.
Jul 26, 2023
Next-generation fighters will be available when Australia searches for a replacement for a squadron of Boeing F/A-18E/Fs in the mid-2030s.

Premium Defense Budget, Policy & Operations News

Apr 08, 2024
The Osprey will take over fleet replenishment duties for Naval Air Force Atlantic beginning in 2025.
Apr 08, 2024
It will result in a cost-plus incentive fee and cost-plus award fee contracts after a full and open competition, the announcement states.
Apr 08, 2024
Choices by Air Force and Navy leaders highlight an age-old tension: preserve present-day capacity, or trade readiness today for capability tomorrow?
Apr 08, 2024
Spending on defense has increased at an average rate of 5.4% in real terms in the three years since 2021.
Apr 05, 2024
The U.S. and Chinese militaries on April 4 concluded two days of talks concerning interactions in the air and sea.
Apr 05, 2024
Norway is to spend an extra 600 billion krone ($56 billion) on defense over the next 12 years, building up a stronger navy and ground-based air defenses.
Apr 05, 2024
Opposition groups in Myanmar have conducted strikes on the country’s capital Naypyidaw, using self-developed attack uncrewed aerial systems (UAS).
Apr 04, 2024
Germany is establishing a fourth armed service amidst a major restructuring of the country’s national defense.