UAE Asteroid Mission Designed To Bolster Space Industry

uae hope spacecraft asteroid mission concept

Building on the success of the ongoing Emirates Mars Mission Hope spacecraft, the United Arab Emirates in May announced a new initiative to survey seven asteroids in the main asteroid belt. The MBR Explorer probe is targeted for launch in March 2028

Credit: UAE Space Agency
A primary goal of the United Arab Emirates’ mission to Mars was to develop a program that would interest Arab youth in science, technology and engineering. With the Emirates Mars Mission Hope spacecraft now in an extended mission, the UAE Space Agency is working on a new exploration initiative and...
Irene Klotz

Irene Klotz is Senior Space Editor for Aviation Week, based in Cape Canaveral. Before joining Aviation Week in 2017, Irene spent 25 years as a wire service reporter covering human and robotic spaceflight, commercial space, astronomy, science and technology for Reuters and United Press International.

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