Private Astronaut And SpaceX Pitch Hubble Reboost Plan To NASA

parting view of the Hubble Space Telescope

A parting view of the Hubble Space Telescope on May 19, 2009, was photographed by the STS-125 shuttle crew, which was the last to service the observatory.

Credit: NASA
One of the first things then-astronaut John Grunsfeld and his spacewalking partner Drew Feustel tackled during the final servicing mission to the Hubble Space Telescope was to install a soft-capture mechanism onto the observatory’s aft bulkhead. With just nine flights remaining before the 1981-2011...
Irene Klotz

Irene Klotz is Senior Space Editor for Aviation Week, based in Cape Canaveral. Before joining Aviation Week in 2017, Irene spent 25 years as a wire service reporter covering human and robotic spaceflight, commercial space, astronomy, science and technology for Reuters and United Press International.

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