Europe’s JUICE Spacecraft Is Heading To Outer Moons With Inner Oceans

image of Jupiter

NASA’s Juno spacecraft took this 2017 image of Jupiter.

Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/SwRI/MSSS
Nine robotic probes have visited Jupiter, beginning with the Pioneer 10 flyby 50 years ago. All the spacecraft were owned and operated by NASA, and only two—the flagship Galileo mission and the current Juno campaign—ended up in orbit for long-term studies of the gas giant and its entourage of moons...
Irene Klotz

Irene Klotz is Senior Space Editor for Aviation Week, based in Cape Canaveral. Before joining Aviation Week in 2017, Irene spent 25 years as a wire service reporter covering human and robotic spaceflight, commercial space, astronomy, science and technology for Reuters and United Press International.

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