Sensors & Electronic Warfare Analysis

Oct 01, 2021
Sweden’s Saab is exploring and testing a suite of solutions that could aid air combat operations in regions where global navigation satellite systems are being jammed or spoofed. 
Sep 30, 2021
The UK Royal Air Force is working with the wind farm industry and the government to develop methods to mitigate the interference caused by wind turbines on air defense radar systems.
Sep 29, 2021
Raytheon has demonstrated a new manned-unmanned (MUM-T) teaming technology in a flight test sponsored by the Strategic Capabilities Office, the company said Sept. 29. 
Sep 28, 2021
Griffon of New York City is looking to sell its defense electronics division, Telephonics, the company announced late Sept. 27.
Sep 28, 2021
China has again flexed its domestic fighter-development capabilities at the Zhuhai Airshow, this time flying the Chengdu J-20 with the locally built WS-10C turbofan as well as rolling out the Shenyang J-16D electronic warfare aircraft. 
Sep 23, 2021
A move by the U.S. Army to field a large, fixed-wing surveillance aircraft could face an extra layer of scrutiny within the Pentagon. 
Sep 22, 2021
Raytheon has expanded sales and options for gallium nitride-enabled active electronically scanned array radars for fighters.
Sep 14, 2021
Thomas Huber will lead Mercury’s “1MPACT” strategic review announced last month during its fourth-quarter fiscal 2021 earnings release, when it acknowledged a slowdown in organic business growth.