Opinion: Is ‘Def Tech’ A Buzzword Or A Revolution In The Making?

President Joe Biden in Oval Office
President Joe Biden signed an executive order on May 12 to chart a new course to improve U.S. cybersecurity and protect federal government networks.
Credit: The White House
The executive order recently signed by President Joe Biden to bolster U.S. cybersecurity defenses in the wake of the Colonial and SolarWinds cyberattacks signals a change of gear in how the U.S. government intends to tackle such threats. There is now a clear sense of urgency in enforcing a multi...
Antoine Gelain

Contributing columnist Antoine Gélain is managing director at Paragon European Partners, based in London.

Opinion: Is ‘Def Tech’ A Buzzword Or A Revolution In The Making? is part of our Aviation Week & Space Technology - Inside MRO and AWIN subscriptions.

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