Latest COVID-19 News and Analysis

Sep 07, 2020
Brussels Airlines has had to scale back its plans to restore flights in the light of Europe’s stuttering recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.
Sep 07, 2020
Two major UAE carriers announced diverging approaches to the future of staff salaries Sept. 6.
Sep 07, 2020
The Icelandic parliament has agreed to guarantee up to 90% of a $120 million credit facility for Icelandair to help the airline weather the COVID-19 crisis.
Sep 07, 2020
The European Commission has approved a €199 million ($236 million) grant from the Italian government to Alitalia, aimed at offsetting losses caused by the COVID-19 outbreak, although two earlier state-aid investigations are continuing.
Sep 07, 2020
Reopening borders will be the key to international recovery, but most countries are reluctant and criteria are uneven, airline CEOs say.
Sep 04, 2020
United Airlines announced plans to operate 40% of its year-ago schedule in October, up from 34% in September, but still less than American Airlines and Delta Air Lines.
Sep 04, 2020
Boeing’s revelation this summer that it is looking into consolidating all 787 production in North Charleston, South Carolina, is just one of many examples of how the COVID-19 pandemic is reshaping the aerospace and defense industry. 
Sep 04, 2020
Icelandair Group will hold a shareholders’ meeting on Sept. 9 to secure the final go-ahead for an ISK20-23 billion ($143-165 million) capital increase, although the financial impact of COVID-19 has not been as severe as originally anticipated back in May.