Latest COVID-19 News and Analysis

Nov 03, 2020
Kawasaki Heavy Industries (KHI) will shift aerospace workers to other divisions for the duration of the downturn in demand for commercial airliners.
Nov 03, 2020
Targeting Thailand’s religious and predominately Buddhist population, Thai Airways has announced a pilgrimage flight-to-nowhere event that will see an aircraft fly over 99 sacred sites while passengers say Buddhist prayers onboard. 
Nov 03, 2020
To generate more alternate revenue amid the pandemic and after rising demand for its training speciality, Singapore Airlines (SIA) is commercializing its training services by setting up the Singapore Airlines Academy.
Nov 03, 2020
Fallout from commercial aviation business lost could eliminate businesses, create opportunities.
Nov 02, 2020
United Airlines continues its push to convince governments that COVID-19 testing is a viable alternative to quarantines and other travel restrictions—it plans to conduct free rapid testing for passengers onboard select flights between its Newark hub and London Heathrow. 
Nov 02, 2020
The body representing Arab airlines believes that around half of all aircraft deliveries to its members scheduled for the next two years will be canceled or deferred and that recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic hinges on a series of government actions to aid the sector.
Nov 02, 2020
South African carrier Comair has reached an agreement with its lenders and secured competition approval for a new investor, paving the way for flights to resume in December.
Nov 02, 2020
Latin America has been a study in contrasts during the COVID-19 crisis.