
English Text by Bradley Perrett and Tony Osborne
Avicは有用なZ-20軍事ヘリコプターの適合性を強調しています。その際、中国人民解放軍が厳重な検査の型を初めて発表しました。Avic is emphasizing the adaptability of the Z-20 utility military helicopter, as the Chinese army presents the type for close inspection for the first time.
Aerospace & Defense

English Text by Victoria Moores
该联盟的发起公司目前正在最后敲定谅解备忘录。Launch companies are currently finalizing their memorandums of understanding.
AIr Transport & MRO

English Text by Victoria Moores
近年来,私募股权资金不断涌入商业售后市场。Private equity money has been pouring into the commercial aftermarket in recent years.
AIr Transport & MRO

English Text by Lee Ann Shay
该原始设备制造商的客户支持与服务部门似乎没有对有争议的费用达成共识。It appears there was not consensus between the OEM’s customer support and services organization on the controversial fees.
AIr Transport & MRO

English Text by Bradley Perrett
川崎重工(KHI)は、ロッキード・マーティン社が開発した哨戒機「P-3 Orion(オリオン)」の無線周波数および光学監視機能の変更に関する海上自衛隊の要件を明らかに満たす。Kawasaki Heavy Industries (KHI) is aiming to develop an electronic warfare version of the P-1 maritime patroller.
Aerospace & Defense

English text by Sean Broderick
一些航空公司正在保留更多的较老飞机,但不足以抵消许多因停飞而无法运营的波音737MAX。Some airlines are keeping older aircraft around, but not enough to offset the many missing MAXs.
AIr Transport & MRO

English Text by Alex Derber
维修伙伴关系和预测维修正在改变着发动机维修的未来。Maintenance partnerships and predictive maintenance are changing the landscape for engine repairs.
AIr Transport & MRO

English Text by Bradley Perrett
台湾は、将来の実現に向けた自製戦闘機開発プログラムを支援するために、戦闘機用エンジンの開発に関する初期調査を開始した。Taiwan has begun early research on fighter engine development in support of a possible program for a potential indigenous combat aircraft.
Aerospace & Defense

English Text by James Pozzi
汉莎技术公司(LHT)与Meggitt公司在今年的巴黎航展上签署的协议,该协议将使Meggitt的零件维修服务于明年初开始引入LHT的深圳工厂——深圳汉莎技术有限公司,然后从2021年开始全面服务。The agreement signed by Lufthansa Technik (LHT) and Meggitt at this year’s Paris Air Show will see Meggitt parts repair services start being introduced into the German MRO’s Shenzhen Shop early next year before leading to full capability from 2021.
AIr Transport & MRO

English Text by Henry Canaday
有关“航空公司如何计划更具有成本效益的发动机维修”的提示。Tips for how airlines can better plan cost-effective engine shop visits.
AIr Transport & MRO

English Text by James Pozzi
在MRO市场上CFM56和V2500等畅销发动机系列中的二手可用航材(USM)短缺状况在未来18-24个月内不太可能缓解。The challenge of used serviceable materials (USM) shortages on in-demand engine families such as the CFM56 and the V2500 isn’t likely to alleviate over the next 18-24 months.
AIr Transport & MRO

English Text by Steve Trimble
数千にもおよぶ低価格の無人航空機システムや巡航ミサイルのエンジンを獲得する米軍の計画に、二つの企業が名乗りを上げている。The U.S. military's plans to acquire thousands of cheap unmanned aircraft systems and cruise missiles fuels demand for two newly announced engine families.
Aerospace & Defense

English Text by Bradley Perrett
台湾の空軍は少し安心しているはずだ。今までに使用していた練習機の老朽化に伴い、一刻でも早い後継機の調達が必要となっている。そのため台湾空軍は、漢翔航空工業(AIDC)がほぼ予定どおりに後継機の開発を完了させるよう要求している。Taiwan’s air force should be a little less anxious. Needing to replace worn out jet trainers as soon as possible, the service is seeing Aerospace Industrial Development Corp. (AIDC) execute the replacement program approximately on schedule.
Aerospace & Defense

English text by Graham Warwick
自从2016年在CES消费电子展上展示了多旋翼的空中出租车以后,中国亿航智能(Ehang)在电动垂直起降飞行器(eVTOL)领域招募了越来越多的开发人员,以及试乘单座和双座自主飞行器的乘客。Since it stole the CES consumer electronics show in Las Vegas in 2016 by unveiling a multicopter air taxi, China’s Ehang has led the growing pack of electric vertical-takeoff-and-landing (eVTOL) developers. This includes flying passengers in its one- and two-seat autonomous air vehicles.
Aerospace & Defense

English Text by Chen Chuanren
法国赛峰短舱公司计划向亚太地区派驻现场代表,并最终在该地区开设短舱工厂,增加其在亚太地区的短舱占有率。France’s Safran Nacelles is planning to increase its nacelle footprint in Asia-Pacific, stationing field representatives in the region and eventually opening a nacelle shop in the region.
AIr Transport & MRO

English Text by Guy Norris
Aerospace & Defense

English Text by Lee Ann Shay
日本航空公司(JAL)如凤凰涅槃一样克服了逆境,该公司现在拥有一个工程部门,致力于实现最高安全目标,即“零、零、100”:非正常运行和空中停机为零、零航班抗议,以及100%的准时起飞。Japan Airlines is a bit of a phoenix that has risen past adversity and now has an engineering division that is striving toward achieving the highest safety goals, what it terms zero, zero, 100: zero irregular operations and inflight shutdowns; zero flight squawks and 100% on-time departure.
AIr Transport & MRO

English Text by Chen Chuanren
日本新成立的廉价航空初创公司ZipAir已通过全面委托,指定日本航空工程公司(JALEC)为其MRO供应商。Japan's new LCC start-up ZipAir has identified Japan Airlines Engineering Co. (JALEC) as its MRO provider under a comprehensive consignment.
AIr Transport & MRO

English Text by Steve Trimble
短期間の米国ミサイル防衛局(MDA)は技術が成熟するまでの間、既存の迎撃ミサイルを適用して極超音速滑空機を撃墜し、専用のグライドフェーズ迎撃機への投資を避けるべきであるとレイセオン社幹部は述べている。The U.S. Missile Defense Agency (MDA) for the near-term should apply existing interceptor missiles to shoot down hypersonic glide vehicles and avoid investing in a purpose-built, glide-phase interceptor until the technology matures, a Raytheon executive says.
Aerospace & Defense

English Text by Tony Osborne
出荷数1,000台に達する民間用ヘリコプターはあまり多くない。しかし、レオナルド社のAW139はなんとわずか15年でこの偉業を達成した。Not many commercial helicopters reach 1,000 deliveries, but Leonardo’s AW139 has achieved this feat in just 15 years.
Aerospace & Defense

English Text by Henry Canaday
霍尼韦尔表示Forge正在减少非计划的液压系统维修。Honeywell says Forge is reducing unscheduled hydraulic maintenance.
AIr Transport & MRO

English Text by Sean Broderick
罗罗决定加速更换老式的中压涡轮机(IPT)叶片,这增加了大修车间的压力,而且由于Trent 1000面临的问题,波音787机型在2020年的停飞数量将超过预期。
AIr Transport & MRO

English Text by Kim Minseok and Bradley Perrett
韓国青瓦台(大統領府)の広報担当者は、サウジアラビアが自国の防空技術の改善に向けて韓国の援助を要求していると述べた。Saudi Arabia has asked for South Korean help in improving its air-defense capabilities, a spokesperson for the presidential office in Seoul said.
Aerospace & Defense

English Text by Kim Minseok and Bradley Perrett
韓国国防省は、ドローン(小型無人機)を迎撃するレーザー対空兵器の開発を計画していることを発表した。 The South Korean defense ministry said it will develop a laser weapon for destroying small drones.
Aerospace & Defense

English Text by Alex Derber
日本全日空航空公司(ANA)已经选择三菱重工航空发动机公司翻新Trent 1000发动机机队的中压压气机(IPC)。ANA has chosen Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Aero Engines to perform mandated retrofits of IPC modules on its fleet of Trent 1000 engines.
Aerospace & Defense