
With so much going on within the global MRO market, how much did you take in from this week's new stories by Aviation Week MRO? Take our weekly quiz

English Text by Piotr Butowski
モスクワ市長セルゲイ・ソビャーニンが最近ヴィーンペル GosMKBを訪問—国有企業70周年を記念した訪問—したことは、施設を開放し、現地で製造されているR-77 (AA-12 Archer) など多くの興味深いミサイルを展示する貴重な機会となりました。
Aerospace & Defense

English Text by Piotr Butowski
莫斯科市长谢尔盖·索比亚宁(Sergey Sobyanin)最近到访GosMKB Vympel,标志着这家国有公司成立70周年。此行创造了一次绝佳机会,让GosMKB Vympel打开其厂房大门,展示许多有趣的导弹,包括在现场生产的R-77( AA-12 Archer)。
Aerospace & Defense

By Greg Hamilton, Joe Anselmo
Welcome to the new AviationWeek.com. It provides a better digital experience for our users and room for our portfolio to keep growing.

By Greg Hamilton
Here comes 2020, and all of us at the Aviation Week Network would like to help you get started with a brand-new website. Over the last few years, our
Aviation Week & Space Technology

By Lee Ann Shay
Welcome to our new website, which integrates MRO content—featured in MRO Digest and Inside MRO--back into AviationWeek.com. This web platform should

By William Garvey
As you’ve already seen, we’re serving all segments of the aerospace world with dedicated news and information sections. Those are further divided by
Business Aviation

By Karen Walker
As we prepare to enter a new decade, the global ATW and entire Aviation Week Network air transport editorial team is excited to share the launch of an
Air Transport

English Text by James Pozzi
作为具有工程专业知识的MRO供应商,ST Engineering的航空航天部门从不回避探索技术以改善其运营。不过,它在两年多以前开始正式采用创新方法,以提高其MRO运营的效率。作为提高企业运营效率的Smart MRO计划的一部分,这家总部位于新加坡的公司确定了实现更好结果的四个关键支柱,包括数字化、数据分析、增材制造(俗称3D打印)和自动化。
AIr Transport & MRO

English Text by James Pozzi
エンジニアリング技術を備えたMROプロバイダとして、ST Engineeringの航空宇宙分野は、自社の技術を向上させるための技術開拓を決して惜しみません。しかし、2年以上前、MRO操作の効率を上げるために、イノベーションの方法を形式化し始めました。
Air Transport & MRO

English Text by Helen Massy-Beresford
Air Transport & MRO

English Text by Helen Massy-Beresford
AIr Transport & MRO

English Text by Bradley Perrett
Aerospace & Defense

English Text by Bill Carey
連邦航空局(FAA)が、2018年4月に起こったサウスウエスト航空1380便のエンジン破損に端を発したNTSBの勧告を実施するなら、航空会社は再設計されたエンジンカウルを備えた、運用中である数千機のボーイング737NGナローボディ機を改良する必要がありました。Airlines would have to retrofit thousands of in-service Boeing 737NG narrowbodies with redesigned engine cowls if the FAA enforces an NTSB recommendation stemming from an engine failure on Southwest Airlines Flight 1380 in April 2018.
Aerospace & Defense

English Text by Bill Carey
若FAA强制执行NTSB因美国西南航空公司1380航班引擎故障所提出的建议,各航空公司将不得不对数千架在役的波音737NG窄体机进行改进,重新设计发动机整流罩。Airlines would have to retrofit thousands of in-service Boeing 737NG narrowbodies with redesigned engine cowls if the FAA enforces an NTSB recommendation stemming from an engine failure on Southwest Airlines Flight 1380 in April 2018.
Aerospace & Defense

English Text by Bradley Perrett
日本表示,即便其战机研发经验非常有限, 但仍希望在研究2030的未来战机方面能够进行国际合作并牵头引导该项目。
Aerospace & Defense

By Piotr Butowski
A recent trip by Moscow’s Mayor Sergey Sobyanin to GosMKB Vympel—a visit that marked the state-owned company’s 70th anniversary—served as a prime opportunity to open the doors of its facility and display a number of interesting missiles, including the R-77 (AA-12 Archer), which it manufactures on site.
Asia Aerospace & Defense EN

English Text by Helen Massy-Beresford
With hefty fuel bills, overcapacity and macroeconomic uncertainty increasing pressure on the airline industry, it is no surprise carriers worldwide are focusing attention on driving growth in ancillary revenues to boost their coffers.
EN Asia Air Transport & MRO

By Sean Broderick
United, an Airbus operator since 1993, has 174 A320ceo-family aircraft in its fleet. Adding the A321XLRs gives Airbus an opening for its current-generation narrowbody family at United—and could put some of the airline’s 170 outstanding MAX deliveries at risk.
Air Transport

English text by Bradley Perrett
由于大型国营航空公司借助各自的政治影响力稳稳获取了最佳航线的使用权,中国的民营航空公司在宽体机营收方面面临的挑战比平时更艰巨。Privately owned airlines in China have more than the usual challenges in making money out of widebody aircraft: the big state carriers use their political heft to secure the best routes.
AIr Transport & MRO

English Text by Alex Derber
航空公司和乘客之间不断变化的任务类型和偏好对窄体机的内饰观念发起挑战。与宽体机相比,窄体机客舱的重新配置通常被认为更简单及更便宜。Changing mission types and preferences among airlines and passengers are challenging narrowbody interior perceptions. Narrowbody cabin reconfigurations are often regarded as simpler and cheaper than they are for widebodies.
AIr Transport & MRO

English Text by Alex Derber
航空会社と顧客の間でミッションタイプと優先事項が変化していることは、ナローボディ機の内装への認識を喚起します。ナローボディ機のキャビンを刷新することは、ワイドボディ機のキャビンよりもシンプルかつ安価に再構成できる、と考えられがちです。Changing mission types and preferences among airlines and passengers are challenging narrowbody interior perceptions. Narrowbody cabin reconfigurations are often regarded as simpler and cheaper than they are for widebodies.
Air Transport & MRO

English text by Chen Chuanren
アジア太平洋地域における航空輸送市場の競争が激化するにつれて、チケット売上からの利回りが低下し、航空会社は営業利益を補うための付随収入に注力している。As the air transport market in the Asia-Pacific region becomes more competitive, yields from ticket revenue have fallen and airlines are increasingly turning to ancillary revenue to supplement operating income.
Air Transport & MRO

English Text by Henry Canaday
Rusada在完成任务的整个过程中推行数字化维护。Rusada carries digital maintenance all the way to task completion.
AIr Transport & MRO

English Text by Bradley Perrett
日本政府正在促进本地工业与波音公司之间在飞机电气化和高速率复合材料制造方面的技术合作。此举在于扩大日本长久以来在飞机制造业中发挥的有限作用。 The Japanese government is promoting technological cooperation between local industry and Boeing in aircraft electrification and high-rate composites manufacturing, aiming at expanding the country’s traditionally limited roles in aircraft manufacturing.
Aerospace & Defense